
You can always contact us at, we try to respond within 24 hours but usually it's way faster than that.
How safe is CTRL?
We’re safe to use. We never store anything other than your email and a hashed password. We don’t track you, we don’t safe your payment methods, nothing. You even pay with PayPal to insert coins to your account - making stuff way safer. We will never ask for any permissions when you pay, you simply refill your balance whenever you want and if you don’t have enough balance we will not withdraw any money, but instead terminate the gameserver.
What games do you host?
Head over to our Gameserver list in “Create server” to see all the gameservers we host. Can't find the game you want? Contact us and we will add the game.
What payment options do you provide?
We use PayPal and a coin-based payment system where you NEVER link your account or subscribe with your credit card. No unexpected payments.
Do you do sponsorships?
Yes we do, please head over to our Sponsorship page to read more.